Forget what you think about piping!This innovative duo pushes the boundaries of piping both musically and technically. Their music is witty, lively and touching, blending different genres to create a unique sound and style. The close interplay of the two instruments can make the listeners forget that its not the sound of one, but the melding sound of two pipes playing. The duo plays original compositions by Callum Armstrong using the splendid possibilities and sound effects provided by the instruments to create a music that is catchy as well as surprising. Their instruments are pipes with half closed fingering, inspired by the tradition of Central European bagpipes. You have never experienced drone music like that before! |
New album available
AntithesisBranschke Armstrong Duo
12 €/10 £ plus shipping |
Matthias BranschkeMail: Phone: +49 (0) 176 40 33 27 78 |
Callum ArmstrongMail: Phone: +44 (0) 795 298 4209 |
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